Hemosoft started its activities in 1999 on the premises of the Middle East Technical University (METU) - KOSGEB Technology Development Centre, Ankara, Turkey, initially focusing on medical software development with special emphasis on blood banking and transfusion processes. Its activities and organizational structure were reformed in 2002, with the recruitment of a team comprising experts adept in the fields of project management, e-training, quality management, business development and industrial product design which constituted a fine addition to its IT experts. Hemosoft’s IT capabilities include computerized image processing, object recognition, networking, communication protocols, test systems, client-server applications, cryptology, optimization, artificial neural networks, word processing and other web and PC-based applications. Hemosoft later expanded its activities onto the fields of electro-mechanical systems design and production, multimedia development, consultancy, on-site training, medical marketing, livestock management and welfare and life sciences. Today we enjoy a professional team of individuals from medical sciences, veterinary sciences, life sciences, engineering, arts and social sciences, performing in different departments. Currently, Hemosoft, being a Research and Development company, has four offices located at the technology development areas of top universities in Turkey. This allows Hemosoft to work with academicians and contribute to the university-industry collaboration.