Scientific Articles in Which “Hemosoft” Was Mentioned
- Özgür Öner, Ata Akin, Hasan Herken, Mehmet Emin Erdal, Koray Çiftçi, Mustafa Ertan, Duygu Bicer, Bedriye Oncu, Ozlem Hekim Bozkurt, Kerim Münir, Yanki Yazgan, “Association Among SNAP-25 Gene DdeI and MnlI Polymorphisms and Hemodynamic Changes During Methylphenidate Use: A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study” J. Attention Disorders, 15:628:637, 2011
- Sergül Aydöre, M. Kivanc¸Mihçak, R. Koray Çiftci, Ata Akin, “On Temporal Connectivity of PFC Via Gauss-Markov Modeling of fNIRS Signals”, IEEE Trans Biomed 2010 Mar; 57(3):761-8.
- Kayserili H, Uz E, Niessen C, Vargel I, Alanay Y, Tuncbilek G, Yigit G, Uyguner O, Candan S, Okur H, Kaygin S, Balci S, Mavili E, Alikasifoglu M, Haase I, Wollnik B, Akarsu NA. ALX4 dysfunction disrupts craniofacial and epidermal development. Hum Mol Genet. 2009 Nov 15;18(22):4357-66.
- Koray Çiftçi, Bülent Sankur, Yasemin Kahya, Ata Akin, ``Constraining the general linear model for sensible hemodynamic response function waveforms``, Med. & Biol. Engr. & Compt., 46:779–787, 2008
- Arslan O, Donors’ blood group declaration before donation can be used as a tool for electronic crossmatching, Transfusion Medicine 15 (2005), 487–492
- Arslan, O, Hemosoft: a new software for blood bank and apheresis management, Transfusion and Apheresis Science 30 (2004), 193–196
- Arslan et al., Hb content-based transfusion policy successfully reduces the number of RBC units transfused, Transfusion 44 (2004), 485-488
- Arslan et al., The ratio of crossmatch to transfusion in Ibni Sina hospital blood bank, Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine 1-1 (2003), 35-38
Scientific Articles Co-authored by Hemosoft Personnel
- Turktekin M, Konac E, Onen HI, Alp E, Yilmaz A, Menevse S. Evaluation of the Effects of the Flavonoid Apigenin on Apoptotic Pathway Gene Expression on the Colon Cancer Cell Line (HT29). J Med Food. 2011 Oct;14(10):1107-17.
- Kayserili H, Uz E, Niessen C, Vargel I, Alanay Y, Tuncbilek G, Yigit G, Uyguner O, Candan S, Okur H, Kaygin S, Balci S, Mavili E, Alikasifoglu M, Haase I, Wollnik B, Akarsu NA. ALX4 dysfunction disrupts craniofacial and epidermal development. Hum Mol Genet. 2009 Nov 15;18(22):4357-66.
- Uckan D, Kilic E, Sharafi P, Kazik M, Aerts FA, Erdemli E,Can A, Tezcaner A, Kocaefe Ç. Adipocyte differentiation defect in mesenchymal stem cells of patients with malignant infantile osteopetrosis. Cytotherapy. 2009 Apr 1:1-11
- Karahuseyinoglu S, Cinar O, Kilic E, Kara F, Akay GG, Demiralp DO, Tukun A, Uckan D, Can A. Biology of the Stem Cells in Human Umbilical Cord Stroma: In situ and in vitro Surveys. Stem Cells. 2007 Feb;25(2):319-31
- Kılıc E. Ceyhan T., Çetinkaya Uçkan D.,İnsan kemik iliği kaynaklı mezenkimal stromal hücrelerin kıkırdak ve kemik hücrelerine farklılaşma potansiyelinin değerlendirilmesi ACTA 2007;41: 4 295–301
- Eğri S, Vargel I, Çavuşoğlu T, Korkusuz P, Güzel E, Uçkan D, Kılıç E, Piskin E.Lactide-PEG Cryostructures With Stem Cells a Tissue Engineering Scaffolds in Reconstruction of Cranial Bone Defects in Rat Model. Tissue Engineering Part A. 2008;14,5:751 Meeting Abstract
- Uckan D, Kılıc E, Aerts F, et al. Mesencymal stem cell studies in children with inherited diseases: A proposal for identification of candidate diseases for mesenchymal stem cell therapies (Pedistem project). Cytotherapy 2006; 8 (supp 1):241
- Aslim B, Kilic E. Some probiotic properties of vaginal lacrobacilli isolated from healthy women. Jpn J Infect Dis. 2006 Aug;59(4):249–53.