Vigenos Plus Visual Genome Studio
Consanguineous marriages are quiet common in our country. The ensuing hereditary disorders constitute a serious problem. Pinpointing the gene on the chromosome lies at the basis of the solution. VIGENOS PLUS is a tool used for accelerating and easing the processes undertaken during this phase of genetic studies. VIGENOS PLUS receives raw data from DNA-sequencing devices and processes and interprets them. It runs a rapid evaluation of millions of raw data via its defined algorithms, which would otherwise have to undergo separate processes one at a time within the limits of certain methods.
VIGENOS PLUS is the outcome of a software project supported by the Ankara Development Agency within the framework of “Innovative Applications Financial Support Program”. VIGENOS is the abbreviated form of “Visual Genome Studio”. PLUS signifies a further enhanced version of an earlier product VIGENOS, which had been previously developed in scope of a research project but never been made commercially available. VIGENOS PLUS is a genetic analysis software designed to serve as a tool in gene mapping studies and shorten the time required for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The earlier version VIGENOS had found that 12 new gene mutations led to various diseases. Findings have been published in reputable journals (please see Literature on VIGENOS on the Vigenous Brochure).
VIGENOS PLUS provides an opportunity to evaluate the data obtained in different formats by using various sequencing devices such as Next-gen, Affymetrix, Illumina, etc., through a number of widely-used analysis methods selected as per the research protocols.
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